27 Dec Survive Christmas alone
No one should be alone on Christmas, but for some of us, it does happen–here’s how you survive.
But don’t go overboard, else you’ll run out of places to hang-out in, like this chic when she realized she couldn’t bring her furbaby clubbing, there was pretty much no place to fit- in to with outfits like these…
Christmas is a time of sharing, I could’ve proceeded with my plans to spend it partying like most singles on Christmas do, but who would keep Kem company? No one should be alone on Christmas Eve, especially not your bestfriend.
After hours of walking Kem around BGC to harass fellow canines, I tried to score him a free drink a SLICE. Much to my wonderful surprise, I neednt sneak him out one! One of the waitresses came to us (who at first I thought was gonna apprehend us for stealing a free glass of lemon water at their outside seating) grabbed a doggy bowl I didnt know was kept under the water table, and treated Kem to a much needed refreshment! Iced lemon water.
I am instantly a patron, Ill be sure to snack in SLICE instead of Jamba Juice now. Sharing is what makes Christmas worth celebrating, and it’s the simple acts of kindness like these that makes it my favorite time of the year even when I do have to spend it on my own.
A lot of us (me included) make the mistake of going home with the wrong person to ease our loneliness during the holidays. If you can avoid it, youll save yourself sleeping with a broken-heart and waking up with a bad case of eye bags.
Always look better than how you feel I always say. Treat yourself with a mani-pedi, a hair treatment or a luxury rose bath like I did, you’ll instantly feel more beautiful and everything would just light-up instantly.
We cannot attract what we don’t have, to bring-in LOVE, we have to feel lovely.
Or crash their party, like I did!
Force them to take you in and pout if you dont get enough attention. Just kiddin’ (or not).
When your family and relationship crashes, you appreciate your friends all the more. They’re the one ‘s who wipe the drool from you chapped lips from crying all night and act deaf to your constant replay of drama. If that is not love, I dont know what is.
Kay brought me to this wonderful charity by Sabrina’s Kitchen wherein they feed and educate kids at the same time.
I proved it then that it is true, if you need Love, you have to give Love. Reaching out to the children made Kay and I feel instantly warm and fuzzy from the inside, when we thought we had nothing left to give, letting ourselves channel out the service of love and giving instantly filled us in with new life and renewed hope.
Im not the best person out there, If I was I wouldnt find myself alone on Christmas, so it wasnt hard to find better people than I. Sorround yourself with people who makes you wanna be better, who reminds you that you can be a source of light and most importantly, that it is what you want to become too.
They wont judge you –they dont know you well enough to. They cant tell on your friends (they dont know them), they give you unbiassed advice and most importantly, you win a new friend.
Love is an infinite source few of us can tap into-because were too afraid, too ignorant or too self-absorbed to see how…
Watching couples bask in the soft glow of young Love reminds you of how strong its gentle light can just cast away every shadow masking your steps.
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