Concrete cold

Concrete cold

It’s freezing here in Taipei, I don’t know how long I’ve lost the feeling on my fingertips all I know is that they feel nothing no more.

You never told me where you were gonna go, you just decided not to show up at the door.

I breathe in a mist-full of air, choking on the frost bite. My associate was running late, and I was already running a cold fever.

I didn’t look for you knowing you were alright. I didn’t dare seek someone who didn’t want to be found.

Finally he arrived. I bid him to follow me to the hotel lobby for a cup of tea. The conversation was stiff and awkward much like most introductions. My mind wanders as he went into detail about his product.

I don’t pretend to understand nevertheless I have accepted what was is not what is.

He stops talking, I ask him about the terms. We agree on a trial period.

Through spring blooms I bid you goodbye, with the keys I left with it, I allowed you a way back.

I call for the bill. I shake his hand. It was time to go.

You had the keys, you didn’t use it. I heard you knock and I didn’t open it.

I was met with the towering view of Taipei from my hotel window. I see the masses scrambling about the walkway trying to get through the rush hour. So many faces blurs through your vision, you hope that at least one of them touches you and yet you refuse to meet any of their gazes. You cast your eyes down and embrace the silence of solitude amidst the busy glares of city lights and the inaudible voices of the pavements.

The warmth has gone and I’m numb from the cold, but there’s work to be done and for now I can forget about being alone.

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