How to make Coconut Yogurt

How to make Coconut Yogurt


3 Cups (450g) Medium Soft Coconut meat from Young Coconut
1 Tbsp Kefir or Kombucha
1 Cup coconut water
Blend until smooth, add a little coconut water if necessary.
Add activated cashew nuts to thicken.
Transfer mixture to a clear glass, cover top cloth and tighten with rubber band.
Leave at least 1/2 of Jar free.
Serve next day with fruits
Flavoring coconut yogurt:
Blend or stir in with with 7 grains smoothie pack and layer pretty on a jar.
Top with berries, fruits, mangoes
Ingredients: Coconut meat Coconut
Water Kefir and Kombucja
Cheese cloth
Granola Fruits
7 grains smoothie powders
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