Author: romeo

  [caption id="attachment_350" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="w/ marie, charlie and dominic at oceanpark"][/caption] I would never date anyone younger than me, but after a series of failed relationships with the supposedly more mature older men, I decided that maybe, I spoke too soon. Going out with someone of the...

Confessions of a speed dater: Ang bagong harana? In a generation obsessed with everything instant, it was only a matter of time before people looked for “instant love.” Speed dating has been steadily growing in the Philippines since 2000, thanks to an episode of Sex and the...

Published by Hinge Inquirer, 2009 Old time-checks at a new Wristpod Its official, the little time piece that’s ticks while sticking on our wrist is here to stay, and it is by no means threatened by the current hype over its digital cousins even though the latter...

Suggested title/s: M ‘n’ Ms on the fast lane M ‘n’ Ms and fast wheels M ‘n’ M—“Men on a mission,” this is what probably best describes the men behind Southpark Autoville car exchange. Backed-up with more than a decade of marriage with the automobile industry, Mike...

At twenty-three I’m already juggling accounts as an Advertising Executive, running my own medium scale catering business while still being able to write, host and model on the side. My career track is just where I want it to be--ahead. Clearly I have wasted no time...

[gallery] Practical impracticality It was the recession once again. He had to be practical. So he set aside his dream of writing a book. His best seller can wait he says. First he took a job as a blogger. He was tasked to write all kind of things; reviews for movies...

It all started with the one thing that always ends up fucking everything in massive propotions—boredom. It was a Friday night and she had just come home from a late night at the office. She was tired, but more than anything else, she was bored....

He was out of town again, which means I am out of mind once more. You’d think that by now I’d be used to this, and in a way I am, that is, if you associate numbness with familiarity. I’ve lost track of the number of...

Choose Everyday is a choice Every blink a decision for a face Every breath voices new truths or echoes old lies Every touch resonates fresh attachments Or severe lasting ones You choose even when you choose not to Then the sun sets...

I asked God, “ Why don’t you grant me love?” He answered, “I have” “ Why don’t you let me fall in love?” “I have.” Why dont you let them fall in love with me? “I have” “Why don’t I feel it?” “Because you don’t know Love, and what you do not...